Dr. Hitesh Purohit
M.D. (Hom), MBA (Education Management)
Academic experience:
- March 2017 - Principal at Smt Malini Kishore Sanghvi Homoeopathic college &Educational complex: Karjan
- Dec 2015 - Director Educational Services at Smt Malini Kishore Sanghvi Homoeopathic college & Educational complex, Karjan
- Professor & HOD Materia Medica
- Approved PG guide & examiner and evaluator
Seminars and workshops:
More than 100 presentations at state /National level seminars and various Homoeopathic colleges organized by various institutes likes HMAI.
Presented paper on PCOD, DM, THYROID at international seminar.
Literary works:
Regular academic presentations in various reputed homoeopathic journals of India like,
- Regularly authored articles in National Journal of Homoeopathy / Homoeopathy for all.
- Various articles in Indian Journal of Homoeopathy.
- Authored article in Homoeo times.
- Book: Staphysagaria – “Wounded Hero” worked as case contributor.
Course Series
299 |