Dr Nilima H. Thakkar
Practicing classical Homeopathy since 1986 in Mumbai.
- Pioneered opening of charitable Homeopathic clinics through the trust in in all fourteen Municipal hospital of Mumbai including the L.T.M.G Hospital Sion Mumbai 400022.
- Have been Teaching and Training Interns / Students of Homeopathy in charitable institutes and at Municipal hospitals in Mumbai.
- Studied Acupuncture in the year 1997 and further and since then have been innovating the combination practice of Homeopathy and Acupuncture to attain better results in certain cases.
- Also experienced in teaching Acupuncture to the groups of students and has established a Registered Institute of Training Students in Acupuncture viz’ N H INTEGRATED CURES’
- Core committee Member of AASP(ASSOCIATION OF ACUPUNCTURE SCIENCE PRACTIONERS) Mumbai, pioneered the formation of the association and has been actively involved as PR and promotion of Acupuncture learning and upgradation of practitioners since Maharashtra State government has recognized Acupuncture in the state.
- Actively involved in teaching the acupuncture practitioners to attain their eligibility to achieve their registrations in the state.
- To try my best to innovate maximum to see the best results and see minimum sufferings of people.