Unravel the Tangled Temperament- Session 1

- Online webinar, 2.5 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Temperament is defined as a characteristic combination of mental, bodily and moral qualities which together constitute the character and disposition of an individual. This also predisposes him to act and behave in a particular manner.
Selecting a similimum in Homeopathy is based on the main principle of Homeopathy is that every human being is different and unique. There are no two persons alike, their behavior, their physical and mental makeup is different.
We consider temperaments during case taking and in prescribing. The classical temperaments are: sanguine, choleric, nervous, melancholic, and phlegmatic. There is usually one basic predominating temperament but there are many combinations of temperaments as well.
Dr. Parinaz Humranwala, a worthy torch-bearer of Homeopathy, with her extensive research on Temperament is your guide throughout this webinar. She introduces Hahnemann’s use of temperaments and constitutional portraits. You will learn to identify temperamental type of the patient while case taking and selecting the final remedy.
Sr.No |
Accreditation Body |
CEU Points |
1 |
Australian Register of Homoeopaths (AROH) |
2.5 |
Learning Objectives:
- Introduction of temperaments: Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic, Nervous
- To understand the utility and importance of temperament for homeopathic prescription
- Aphorisms Relating to Temperaments in Organon of Medicine
- Insights of Melancholic Temperament
- Insights of Phlegmatic Temperament
- Insights of Nervous Temperament
- Cases related to each temperament
About Speaker

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