Homeopathy Management of PCOD
- Online webinar, 1.5 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common disorders of the female reproductive endocrine system. The cause behind the condition is not known and it is one of the most common causes of female sub fertility. In the typical ultra sonographic findings, there are a large number of developing eggs visible on the surface of ovaries resembling a 'string of pearls' and hence the name PCOD.
Approximately 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age have symptoms of PCOD. The prevalence of this disorder ranges from 2.2% to 2.6% in the age group between 18 to 45 years. Change in lifestyle and stress are the main causes of the disease. Though the genetic link is yet established heredity that is positive family history is a risk factor for PCOS. Obesity aggravates PCOS because fatty tissues produce estrogens which disrupt ovulation. Overactive adrenal glands can also produce excess androgens which in turn contribute to PCOS.
Infrequent menses or amenorrhoea, infertility due to an ovulation or irregular ovulation, early development of breast buds, increased growth of body hair with acne and oily skin, pelvic pain, obesity or weight gain especially around the waist, male-pattern baldness with excessive growth of facial and pubic hair, male fat storage patterns i.e. abdominal instead of thighs, hips & waist, sleep apnea or excessive snoring, Acanthosisnigricans and skin tags or tiny excess flaps of skin in armpits or neck area are the symptoms of PCOD
Dr. Girish Gupta will talk on etiology, prevalence, symptoms, diagnosis and homeopathic treatment for this disorder.
Dr. Girish Gupta will be talking on the role of homeopathic medicines in cases of Polycystic Ovarian Disease assessed by modern diagnostic parameters, a step ahead in Homoeopathic Research. The motto is to treat the person in disease by the Psycho – Neuro – Endocrine axis pathway.
India & Asia: Saturday, 22nd January 2022, 7am IST. Repeat: 2pm IST
US & Canada: Friday, 21st January 2022, 8:30pm Eastern Time, 5:30pm Pacific Time
Europe: Saturday, 22nd January 2022, 9:30am CET
UK: Saturday, 22nd January 2022, 8:30am London Time
Australia: Saturday, 22nd January 2022, 12:30pm ACT. Repeat: 7:30pm ACT
Duration - 1 Hours 30 minutes of study (Online webinar)
Recording will be available post the session.
Topics covered
- Thorough understanding of the disorder PCOD
- Homeopathic approach for the treatment of PCOD
Learning objectives
- Understand the specific and differentiating symptoms of remedies
- Learn in-depth approach to the cases of PCOD
About Speaker
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