Bonus Recap Session 5 & Non – Repertorial approach – concept and application

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
The development in science of homeopathy and large number of provings made the Materia Medica vast. This led to the birth of repertory – a place to store all those symptoms in a systematic arrangement so that it becomes easy to search for a remedy for prescription. It isn’t surprising to know that no one can remember 500 symptoms of a remedy.
Repertorisation became a tool of every homeopath for the selection of the similimum. The advent of computer software made repertorisation even faster.
But what about the cases which are standstill with no improvement? Every homeopath has such cases which even after re-evaluation and repertorisation does not aid in any relief to the patient. There is always a solution where there is a problem; a homeopath should have the knowledge what to look out for.
Non repertorial approach is sometime useful, when the case is difficult and symptoms are less. Dr Jawahar Shah, an eminent homeopath will guide you through multiple ways in which you can approach the case without using a repertory. He will explain all the categories wherein a prescription is made on the basis of certain factor or method.
Dr Shah will also address to your questions and queries asked on previous webinars by Enlightenment Education.
Till date you have learned everything about various repertories in this course. This session in the Soul of Repertory & Repertorisation may be the final step of this course but it will be a stepping stone in your new learning and understanding.
Accreditation by AROH for 2 CEU Point
Topics covered:
- Q & A session
- Causative factors in a remedy
- Signs visible in the patient
- Clinical tips
- Constitution
- Past history and Family history
- Diathesis
- Tautopathy
- Isopathy
- Relationships of remedy
- Bach flower method
- Nash’s trio of remedies
- Mother tincture
- Temperament
- Miasmatic prescription
- Genus epidemicus
Learning Objectives:
- To understand different approaches to arrive at similimum without the aid of repertory
- Learning the various approaches with their philosophy and examples
- Learning the efficacy of non-repertorial approach with examples
- Understanding the benefit of non-repertorial approach in difficult cases
About Speaker

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