Bonus Recap Session 4 & Boericke’s Repertory

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
This Bonus Session 4 revises the learning of previous sessions on Phatak’s Repertory, Murphy’s repertory and Knerr’s repertory. Dr Jawahar Shah will answer the queries on previous sessions. The Q & A forum will be followed by the session on Boericke’s repertory.
Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory by William Boericke is one the most popular bedside clinical repertory. It has been regarded as a treasure in homeopathic literature due to its systematic presentation of remedies and headings in the repertory according to the systems.
Boericke’s repertory comes in handy for a prescriber when the case is loaded with common symptoms. Sometimes in longstanding cases or cases where patient is not cooperative to elicit mentals and physical generals, this repertory is a quick reference guide.
The highlighting feature of Boericke’s repertory is its abundance of clinical rubrics based on nosological diagnosis which are not found in other repertories. In incurable cases, this repertory is what you need to find that perfect palliative remedy.
Dr Jawahar Shah, the speaker of this session will talk about how successfully you can utilise this repertory to tackle the challenges in cases with common symptoms, clinical and pathological symptoms and implement Boericke’s totality in such cases.
Accreditation by AROH for 2 CEU Point
Topics covered:
- Introduction and Origin of Boericke’s repertory
- Concept and Philosophy
- Concept of totality according to Boericke
- Plan and Construction
- Special features of the repertory
- Merits and Demerits of Boericke’s repertory
- Comparison with other repertories
- Utility of the repertory
- Unique rubrics
Learning Objectives:
- Gain an understanding of importance of clinical repertory in homeopathic practice
- Learn how to implement Boericke’s repertory to transform your clinical cases abundant with pathological symptoms
- Understand the Boericke’s concept of totality
- Learn about the speciality of this repertory and understand why you find it on every homeopath’s library
- Deepen the homeopathic management techniques in incurable cases and where only nosological diagnosis is known
- Understand the advantages as well as the limitations of the repertory
About Speaker

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