Heiner Frei MD
Heiner Frei MD is a Homeopathic Paediatrician from Laupen, Switzerland. He has been actively involed in research and has won many awards for his ground breaking work. For his work on ADD / ADHD Dr Frei received in 2009 the Research Award of the Max and Eva Tiedemann Foundation in Germany.
- From 1984 to 1987 head physician in paediatric haematology and oncology at the University Children's Hospital of Bern.
- In 1987 initial paediatric practice and training in homeopathy. Since 1994 teaching homeopathy in Switzerland, several European countries and India.
- From 2001 to 2005 president of the Swiss Association of Homeopathic Physicians.
- Research activities and publications focusing on clinical studies about acute tonsillitis, otitis media, ADHD, H1N1 influenza, the treatment of multimorbid patients and homeopathic methodology.
- From 2001 to 2005 study coordinator of the rigorous Swiss RCT on homeopathic treatment of ADHD, which yielded scientific evidence for a specific effect of homeopathic medicines.
- This study has been honoured with the Swiss SNE Research Promotion Prize 2001 and the German Research Award of the Karl and Hilde Holzschuh Foundation 2008.
- In 2001 Dr. Frei developed polarity analysis, a new approach to improve the precision of homeopathic prescriptions.
- Since 2005 publication of several books in German and English on different aspects of polarity analysis.
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