Dr Divya Chhabra
Dr Divya Chhabra, a world-renowned Homeopath, was introduced to Homeopathy at the age of 7 months; when a severe colic, was instantly relieved and a looming laparotomy was averted.
After graduating as a gold medallist from CMP Homoeopathic medical college, she did her MD from DKMM Homoeopathic medical college.
Her evolving methodology in the quest for perfection has one constant: the exploration of the unconscious (automatic neurological circuits) as a controller of disease patterns.
Passion for neurology had as a student led her to work for and learn neurology from Dr Nitin Sampat. Every case that failed sparked her ever questioning mind and led her deeper into the understanding of body functioning, the brain, patterns of behaviour.
The result, the pinnacle of her work, at the Confluence of Homeopathy, Psychology and Neuroscience, is the “Leap to the Similimum” method she practises today.
She has proved 10 remedies. She also hosts ‘Chai-T with Dr D’ on Instagram handle @drdivyaclinic.
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