Role of Constitution in Clinical Practice

- Online webinar, 1.5 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
"No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin – that is, the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution, it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his diseases.” – Paracelsus.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann used ‘Beschaffenheit’ in German which translates to ‘Constitution’ in English.
Dictionary describes constitution as the natural condition of the mind, or body, disposition.
As a Homoeopathic Practitioner, you must be knowing the importance of the Constitution of a patient and its importance in Homoeopathic Prescribing.
The constitution of an has an important role in the drug proving and as well as in natural diseases. Therefore, the role of the constitution is vital in the treatment and achieving a cure for Homoeopathy.
In order to understand the constitution of a person, the Homoeopathic physician should know the person’s physical makeup, specifically his build, cravings, aversions, and reaction to foods, characteristics of his discharges and eliminations, and his thermal reactions. Even mental attributes, i.e.,emotional, and intellectual reactions and performances hold a place of importance.
Dr. Praveen Kumar is a senior Homoeopathic practitioner, a renowned national and international speaker will be presenting his profound observations in relation to Constitution in this webinar.
India & Asia: Friday, 1st October 2021, 7am IST. Repeat 2pm IST
US & Canada: Thursday, 30th September 2021, 9:30pm EST, 6:30pm PST
Europe: Friday, 1st October 2021, 10:30am CET
UK: Friday, 1st October 2021, 9:30am London Time
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes of study(Online webinar)
Recording will be available post the session.
Topics Covered
- Illustrative Cases with Examples
- Importance of Constitution in Homoeopathy
- Different Stalwarts and their view on Constitution
Learning Objective
- Understanding the importance of the Constitution
- Role of Constitution in Homoeopathic Prescribing
- Role of Constitution in Homoeopathic treatment planning and follow-up
About Speaker
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