Different methods of repertorisation including Elimination Method

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
A homeopathic physician should familiarise himself with using a repertory efficiently. Consistent use of repertory in daily practice is the key to derive maximum benefit from a repertory. Utility of a repertory depends on its philosophy, plan and construction. If you understand these, you will be able to solve different types of cases using different repertory and not accustomed to only one.
The purpose of repertorisation is to reduce the number of possible remedies to a smaller amount so that we can perform a differential diagnosis only between the most relevant ones. With evolution of repertories, the logic behind their structure developed different methods of repertorisation which is essential to understand for correct use of the repertory.
The advent of software has made repertorising a case quick and easy but still in certain cases which come to standstill different methods can be implemented to arrive at a prescription. Not many are aware of ‘elimination method in repertorisation’. This method most of the times help to eliminate remedies leading to final few remedies.
Petr Hoffman, a teacher of Homeopathy from Czech Republic and the speaker of this session will talk about utility of repertory and methods of repertorisation. With help of cases, he will extensively explain and narrate the Elimination method. He will also describe about balanced and unbalanced rubrics.
Topics covered:
- When and how we use a repertory
- How a symptom gets into a repertory
- Underlining (intensity) of remedies in the rubrics
- Balanced /unbalanced rubrics
- Elimination method
Learning objectives:
- Importance of repertorisation
- Importance of rubrics and intensity of remedies in the rubrics
- How to use eliminative method and Importance of eliminative method to reach final similimum
About Speaker

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