Model of the Mind &its Application in Case Definition and Resolution in Homoeopathic practice

By Enlightenment Education ( 0 stars . 0 reviews)
  • Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
  • No time limit for completing your course.
  • Evaluation test.
  • Certificate of attendance
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Webinar Highlights:

In this enlightening session, Dr. Sunil Bhalinge and Dr. Sunita, seasoned experts in homeopathy, will guide you through the intricate process of case definition and resolution, utilizing the model of the mind.

  • Holistic Case Definition: Gain insights into the holistic concepts of homeopathic case management and how psychology plays a pivotal role in this process.
  • Application of Insights: Learn how to apply psychological insights in your practice, enhancing your ability to define and resolve cases effectively.
  • Real-Life Case Studies: Be inspired by real-life case studies that demonstrate the practical application of psychology in homeopathy, shedding light on the profound impact it has on case definition and resolution.

Session Objectives:

  • Orient participants about different components of the mind.
  • Understand the functioning of the mind in health and disease states.
  • Explore the TFCAR model of normal mind functioning.
  • Discuss case definition and resolution in homeopathic practice.
  • Demonstrate the application of the model in case definition and resolution through case presentations.

Join us in this session as we delve into the intricacies of the mind and its application in case definition and resolution in homeopathy.

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