Introduction to Homeopathic Proving Methodology and Standards

By Enlightenment Education ( 4.7 stars . 3 reviews)
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  • Online webinar, 1.5 hours of study.
  • No time limit for completing your course.
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Homeopathic Proving is the predominant method that homeopaths use to conduct homeopathic research that develops Materia Medica. It is a Method to develop new homeopathic medicines or to develop an increased understanding of the healing potential of existing homeopathic medicines. It’s a form of qualitative research.

Provings are Based on Ancient Experiments that Predated Hahnemann. There were approximately 100 provings by Hahnemann’s Death in 1843. 8000-9000 homeopathic medicines are in use today; approximately 2200 of these have had provings. There are several types of proving, The Hahnemannian proving is the gold standard.

The proving should be conducted using Hahnemannian principles, with safety standards, free of bias and the methodology applied should be transparent and clear.

The remedy selected may be a poorly proven one; a representative of kingdoms, families or Miasms;  poisons, mythological or cultural substances; substances known for their healing properties, the dream; local substance; regulatory or a combination formula. There are several proving standards like Organon, national and international standards and US standards.

Isn’t it something very interesting? You would definitely like to know about the description, toxicology, natural history, isolation method, preparation method; manufactured according to GMP of the substance to be proved. You would also like to know which parts of plants and of an animal can be used for proving.

Not only this Dr. Todd Rowe will talk on the purity, verification, affidavit by an expert in the field and chemical analysis are some more aspects of the substance to be used as proving. Apart from this potency and dosing, safety and ethics, minimum personnel, blinding and randomization and placebo control.

Dr. Todd Rowe will also talk on entanglement in proving, number of subjects, length of proving, data collection, supervision, inclusion and exclusion criteria in prover selection, design and format of the trial, analysis, repertorization analysis and will also share on how to find information about proving, websites and also resources for more information.



India & Asia: Saturday, 18th December 2021, 7am IST.  Repeat: 2pm IST
US & Canada: Friday, 17th December 2021, 8:30pm Eastern Time, 5:30pm Pacific Time
Europe: Saturday, 18th December 2021, 9:30am CET
UK: Saturday, 18th, December 2021, 8:30am London Time

Australia: Saturday, 18th December 2021, 12:30pm ACT.  Repeat: 7:30pm ACT

Duration - 1 Hours 30 minutes of study (Online webinar)
Recording will be available post the session.


Topics covered

  • What is proving
  • Types of provings
  • Goals of proving
  • Remedy selection
  • Sourcing of substance
  • Everything about conducting the proving


Learning objectives

  • Potency and dosing
  • Safety and ethics
  • Blinding and randomization
  • Placebo control
  • Whole process of proving

About Speaker

Licensed homeopathic physician
Most Recent Reviews
from Anna Chibisova
Dec-18-2021 03:57:43 PM
from Seyed Alireza Rafiee
Dec-18-2021 09:08:08 AM
from Nagaraj HB
Dec-18-2021 08:03:44 AM
An excellent presentation on provings in Homoeopathy
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