Chronic case taking – Part III

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Dr. Joseph Kellerstein with his over 30 years of clinical experience in interviewing the patients will teach you the art of case taking given in Organon and his unique approach to case taking.
Dr. Kellerstein incorporates his extensive knowledge of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), which utilizes the power of perception – the information that is received through your senses – as well as the language of the patient, and utilizes these to help form the gestalt of the case. It is a natural and perfect fit for homeopathic case taking.
Dr. Kellerstein begins by referring to Hahnemann’s own words – especially §§84-98 – and demonstrates his own unique technique to help the patient reveal highly useable symptoms, including developing a “hit list” noting the intensity of each symptom, “looping back” increasing the specificity of each question, and how to be on alert for connections, metaphors, and further clues.
He then discusses NLP and what it can do for your case taking skills. What are the key NLP questions that you should be asking your patients?
Topics covered:
- 4 Quadrants of case-taking
- Chief signs which are PQRS
- Explanation of Aphorism 133 & 86
- Questioning skills
Learning Objectives
- Understand the purpose of case taking
- Understand homeopathic concept of Chronic disease
- Use of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) in homeopathic case taking
- Understanding the "four quadrant questioning" technique
- The key summary question to help you zero in on the simillimum
About Speaker

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