Q- Repertory and Argon a newly proved Remedy

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Jeremy Sherr takes you on a journey into the evolution of the third dimension through his newly proven remedy Argon.
The name argon means not (an) working (ergon), or ‘inactive’, as it is an inert gas and does not react with other elements. As the name suggests, these individuals ‘let their relationships rest’. They are ‘not bound by relationships’, feel happy and carefree and tend to show ‘denial of work and duty’.
These, and much more crucial pointers are elucidated by renowned teacher, practitioner and homeopathic research pioneer, Dr. Jeremy Sherr, the master of the proving himself.
We all have very unique mental qualities that are characteristic to each of us and give us our strengths or become our weaknesses.
These mental strengths or weaknesses make up the individual who is whole and unique. In Homeopathy, these characteristics are extremely significant as they make up the constitution of an individual.
Q Repertory is a unique offering by Jeremy Sherr. This repertory uniquely covers various mental qualities that form an essential part of Homeopathy. Sherr will be using this repertory to solve cases in this webinar.
- Materia medica of Argon
- Mental Qualities that make a person
- Implications of mental qualities in Homeopathy
- Brief introduction to Q Repertory
- Solved Cases
About Speaker

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