Understanding Sehgal Method

- Online webinar, 1.5 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Most of the time we end up prescribing something we think as ‘the right remedy’ for the case. However, it also happens that we do not end up getting the desired response.
Finding a similimum is not a difficult task in fact with correct knowledge and approach, one can achieve it easily quickly and efficiently.
Sehgal’s method is based on perceiving certain gestures, words, or expressions that the patient uses. Through this master class, the viewers shall learn about Case Taking, Interpretation, Application of Rubric, Repertorization, through Perfect Repertory Of Mind.
Join Dr. Yogesh Sehgal, the younger son of Dr. M. L. Sehgal, the founder of Revolutionized Homeopathy or the Sehgal Method- as he explains the detail working of this method in practice.
Accreditation by AROH for 1.5 CEU points
Topics Covered
• Importance of understanding rubrics of mind
• Analysis of rubrics of mind
• Interpretation of rubrics of mind
Learning Objectives
• Learning the art of perceiving mind rubrics in patients
• Understanding the core rubric in patients
• Analysing and interpreting the meaning of rubrics present in the case
About Speaker

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