Somatic Expression of Psychological Disorders & its Homeopathic Management
- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
When stress goes out of control a person begins to experience physical symptoms and these are known as somatic expression which are due to psychological disorders. You might have often observed such patients coming to you with stacks of files and in a very frustrated tone full of despair talk of their inability to get relief with every possible measures they try.
You may have also come across patients with no patho-physiological changes yet present with altered consciousness, convulsion like symptoms, paralysis of limbs without any obvious neurological pathology, difficulty in breathing, spasm of the limbs, etc.
Somatization Disorder is seen in all the ages and in both the sexes but more prevalent in females. It is more common in children of 10-15 yrs. and adults between late 30-40 yrs.
Homoeopaths are blessed with the skills to receive this altered sensitivity through identifying the predisposing, maintaining and exciting causes, they have the potential of becoming good ‘Healers’. Managing these is not as easy as it may appear. So a Homoeopath has challenges at multiple levels.
Dr.Sunita Nikumbh is one such skilled homeopath and speaker of this webinar who has experience in managing different psychiatric conditions. Shewill discuss the steps involved in developing a strategy to identify the psychological disorders and how Homeopathy can help.
Learning Objectives:
- Increase skills and understanding of diagnosing the clinical condition
- Perceive the underlying dynamics
- Skills / Techniques required to unearth the problem and its solution
- Learn to differentiate the overlapping symptoms while selecting the similimum
- Arriving at the totality where symptoms are not available in straightway
- Planning of Homoeopathic management
About Speaker

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