Mission Success: An Approach to the Study of Remedies of Solanaceae Family
- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
An Approach to the Study of Remedies of Solanaceae Family
The Solanaceae family, also known as Nightshade Remedies, is a fascinating and diverse group of plants that play a significant role in homeopathy. Some of the well-known remedies that are derived from this family and commonly used in daily homeopathic practice include Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Tabacum, Dulcamara, and Capsicum.
These plants possess powerful medicinal properties, and it's essential to use them carefully as they can be toxic if used improperly.
Eg. Belladonna, obtained from the Atropa belladonna plant or deadly nightshade, is used to alleviate fever, inflammation, and acute pain.
Dr. Swati Bhagawat, has shown many facets and nuances of understanding these remedies in their totality. As your understanding grows, so will your ability to recognize when these remedies are indicated in your cases!
This webinar is designed to help homeopathic practitioners understand the characteristics and uses of remedies derived from the Solanaceae family, which is one of the most interesting and diverse botanical groupings in homeopathy.
Remedies covered include: Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Dulcamara, Capsicum, Tabacum, Mandragora Solanumtuberosum, Solanumnigrum, Lycopersicon and more...
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