Perfect Repertory of Mind

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
There are over 100 rubrics in Mind chapter of most of the repertories. A beginner or even an experienced homeopath may get confused with such a huge number of rubrics and when to use a certain rubric. There is specific meaning allotted to each mind rubric in English Dictionary and sometimes you may get stuck with similar meaning rubrics. What should you do in such case?
Dr Yogesh Sehgal with his extensive experience in homeopathy field compiled Perfect Repertory of Mind by using information from the repertories prepared by the original authors. The huge repertory comprises of only Mind rubrics extracted from the source books by Samuel Hahnemann, Kent, Knerr, Allen, Boenninghausen, Gallavardin, Jahr, Schmidt, Kunzli, Clarke, Boericke, Phatak.
Dr Sehgal, the author of this repertory and the speaker of this session will thoroughly guide you about the utility of this repertory. He will explain the thin line of demarcation between the rubrics - hopeful, positiveness and optimistic. Furthermore, he will explain how the rubric – Pregnancy can be applied in various cases and not only pertaining to pregnancy issues.
Dr Sehgal will guide you to extract mind rubrics from the conversation between a patient and the doctor. He will continue to explain the selection of rubrics and its meaning in the cases.
Topics covered:
- Introduction to Perfect Repertory of Mind
- Difference between practicing with Materia Medica and Repertory
- Benefit of using Perfect Repertory of Mind
- Understanding of rubrics: Hopeful, Positiveness, Optimistic, Pregnancy, Defiant, Desire to be carried
- Repertorisation of Cases
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the Perfect Repertory of Mind and using it for repertorising cases
- Learning about advantages of using Perfect Repertory of Mind
- Understanding and interpreting similar meaning Mind rubrics with appropriate examples
- Selection of mind rubrics by understanding the conversation between a doctor and the patient
About Speaker
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