Mission Success: Importance of knowledge of embryology in management of case in homoeopathic practice

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Importance of knowledge of embryology in management of case in homoeopathic practice by Dr. Mrs. Tanveer. A. Khan

Have you ever correlated embryology in your cases while prescribing or analysing the case?

Do you wish to understand the concept and importance of embryology?

You must be aware that knowledge of embryology is essential in the management of patients because it provides a foundation for understanding the normal and abnormal development of embryos. This understanding can help Homeopaths diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. How? Dr. Tanveer Khan will guide us in this session.


Learning objectives:

  • Study Embryological origin of each organ to decide seat of disease & pathology to differentiate between structural or functional changes
  • Understand the importance of Hering’s law of direction of cure
  • Understand the importance of miasmatic diagnosis in a case
  • Learn how Diagnosis in modern science varies from diagnosis in homoeopathic science

About Speaker

Dr Tanveer A Khan is the Principal of Bharati Vidyapeeth Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune, India.
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