Conversion of Mental Symptoms into Repertorial Language

- Online webinar, 3 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, father of Homeopathy said, “Mind is the key to man .”
This webinar by Dr.Mansoor Ali is an effort to help all the students and practitioners on converting the mental symptoms to mind rubrics. He will explain the meaning of rubric, subrubrics and how to use cross references. After attending this webinar, you will get familiar with meanings, explanation of mind rubrics along with examples for easy understanding.
In homeopathy consideration of mental symptoms is the most important aspect of homeopathic case taking. Mental symptoms consist of emotional, intellectual and subconscious state of mind. They unfold the true image of the disease. We may get many mental symptoms from a patient but assigning them peculiar, characteristic in the case and interpreting them correctly is a big task.
When you are aware of converting the symptoms in to the rubrics, half of the goal is accomplished. Though many practitioners find it difficult to interpret and convert the mental symptoms in the reportorial language.
Accreditation By AROH for 2 CEU Points
Learning Objectives:
- How to trace mental symptoms effectively
- How to convert mental symptoms for a better prescription
- An attempt to help beginners
- Importance of miasmatic prescription
- Problems in interpretation
- Comparative study of mind rubrics
- Miasm at various levels
- Priority in selection of rubrics
- Body language
About Speaker

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