Evolutionary Materia Medica of Magnesium
- Online webinar, 3 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
To understand the heart of Magnesium trait, investigate the mother’s state during and after pregnancy.
- What emotions did she go through during pregnancy?
- How was the situation during and after delivery?
- Nail these and you will catch a magnesium personality!
Dr. Jawahar Shah will explain why the core emotion of magnesium is that of rejection, being unloved and anxiety. He will explore the state of a woman during pregnancy and how the outcome affects her child.
Magnesium has an emotional state like that of Natrum and a physical state like Calcarea. His upbringing and circumstances make him bitter and there is a development of the feeling of hardness. This also reflects in bodily ailments found in magnesium.
Do not miss this lecture, for you will learn the exact “Orphan feeling” found in Magnesium with the help of The Cinderella Story.
Topics covered:
- Pathophysiology of Magnesium
- Magnesium childhood
- Core traits: Rejection, hardness, suppression
- Magnesium dreams, delusions
- Cinderella effect
- The destructive ability of Magnesium
- Anxiety and insecurity
- Depression
- Fight and Flight response
- Psychotic activities
- Clinical conditions in Magnesium
- Pain, Discharges, Cravings, Aversions, Aggravations, Ameliorations
- Clinical cases:
- Autism
- Cancer caecum
- Bronchial asthma
- Necrosis of joint
- Worms
- Depression
- Constipation
Learning Objectives
- Importance of the mother’s mental and physical state during pregnancy
- The core traits of Magnesium personality
- How to appropriately uncover the child’s reaction, emotional state?
- How to evaluate the mental and physical state of Magnesium personality?
- How to confidently and correctly prescribe Magnesium, shown through various clinical cases?
About Speaker

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