Homeopathic Management of Sciatica and Lumbago

- Online webinar, 1.5 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
What are the causes of backache? Can they have a psychogenic origin? Can homeopathy treat sciatica? Is it possible to handle lumbago arising from a herniated disc? Find out answers to these questions from a very enriching webinar by Petr Hoffmann.
He touches upon this topic and gets into details of many homeopathy remedies, their modalities and indications. His style of teaching engages you till the end and a better clearer idea is formed of the topic at the end.
His cases are well presented and explained and a lot about sciatica and lumbago can be learned in this session through these cases.
India & Asia: Saturday 19th June 2021, 7am IST. Repeats at 2pm IST
US & Canada: Friday 18th June 2021, 9:30pm EST
Europe: Saturday 19th June 2021, 10:30am CET
Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes of study (Online webinar)
Recording will be available post the session.
Topics Covered
- Indications
- Complementary Therapies and Indications
- Explanation of each drug in-depth, its causative factors, modalities
- Simultaneous comparative materia medica and art of differentiation between remedies
- Cases approach, selection of symptoms, remedy and potency
Remedies Discussed
- Sepia
- Nat Mur
- Kali Carb
- Agaricus
- Kali Iod
- Colocynth
- Lachesis
- Aesculus
- Rhus Tox
- And many more interesting, clinically proven, and definitely result-oriented drugs
Learning Objective
- How to approach cases Sciatica and lumbago
- How to differentiate between remedies
- Selecting remedy based on their presentation of signs in the clinic
- How to master the art of prescription in Sciatica and Lumbago
About Speaker

Petr Hoffmann, Dip. IACH (International Academy of Classical Homeopathy)
Petr Hoffman runs his own practice in several cities of his country (Prague, Brno, Pardubice, Zlin) and treats some patients online from abroad as well (U.S.A., Great Britain, France, Japan, Pakistan, Hungary).
Petr is also a teacher of Homeopathy. He has lectured classical homeopathy at Prague College of Classical Homeopathy and he also runs his own school of Homeopathy.

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