Depression and its Homeopathic Management
- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Did you know some estimates have placed Depression to be the second-most common condition amongst our Out patients by 2020 ?
Depression as an illness is one of the leading disorders likely to afflict mankind in the coming decades. The lifetime risk for developing Major Depression is estimated at 7% to 12% for men, and a phenomenal 20% to 25% for women !
Homoeopaths are and will be required to deal with this entity increasingly as it is frequently encountered in our clinics. This 2 hours webinar is presented by Dr. Kumar Dhawale, Founder-Trustee of the Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Trust which has established Department of Neuropsychiatry having unique Compassion Ward to house patients with serious psychiatric conditions and manage them with Homoeopathic treatment in India.
Depression has been an ill understood condition often causing confusion through its confusing terminologies and concepts. Is it a passing emotion as feeling low ? Is it a prevalent mood as sadness ? Is it a syndrome like Depression ? Or is it an entity called Major Depressive Disorder ?
In Homeopathy, the similimum can perform magic as no antidepressant can ever do and without any side effects.
Learning Objectives:
- Enhancing clinical understanding of mood disorders as seen in Homoeopathic clinical practice and deepening the awareness of the Homoeopathic physician of his role in the diagnosis and management of mood disorders
- Understanding the classification of depression And its importance to a Homoeopathic physician
- Understanding the nuances of case taking in patients with depression
- Correlating the clinical approach to mood disorders with Homoeopathic principles as laid down by Hahnemann and other stalwarts
- Understanding the miasmatic correlations of depressive disorders and the impact of co-morbidities
- Presenting a standardized approach to the understanding and treatment of mood disorders
- Understanding the Materia Medica of remedies commonly indicated in the management of depression
About Speaker

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