Case of Disappointed Love
- Online webinar, 1 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
A young patient comes with the medical condition of Benign Essential Blepharospasm; a condition usually develops in individuals above 40. The detailed homeopathy case-taking revealed that the complaints began after his breakup which left him disappointed, feeling of being cheated and anger. He also wept while narrating the complaints.
Which are the remedies do you think of with the ailments from disappointed in love? Natrum Mur or Ignatia? Aurum Met, Pulsatilla or Sepia? Attend this lecture by Dr. Neha Khodke who will take you through the case-taking and understand how the emotions evolved in this patient.
A homeopathic remedy is prescribed not just on the basis of causation but on its entirety of complaints matching the remedy. Understand why the mediocre remedies for disappointed in love or weeping while narrating the complaints were not indicated or prescribed in this case.
Apart from understanding the emotional state of the person, learn to repertorize case using different repertorization methods from repertories like Kent, Boenninghausen and Complete repertory. Learn the representation of the same symptom in various forms in these different repertories.
Dr. Neha will conclude the lecture with the reason for prescription and learning from the case.
Topics covered
- Case history narration
- The emotional state of the patient
- About blepharospasm
- Totality of symptoms
- Different repertorization methods: Kent, Boenninghausen, Complete repertory
- Prescription
- Learning from the case
Learning objectives
- Learn to collect unspoken cues of the patient which often leads to the remedy
- Understand how a remedy evolves
- Utilizing different repertorization methods from various repertories
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