Homeopathic approach to Common mental diseases & Anxiety Disorders its Management
- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
Sigmund Freud considered anxiety as the ‘mother’ of all psychological disorders.According to large population-based surveys, up to 33.7% of the population is affected by an anxiety disorder during their lifetime.
The manifestations of anxiety have become more refined as they become more prolific.This has given rise to a varied and sometimes confusing terminology since a need is felt to pigeon-hole anxiety with neat labels.
The manifestations of anxiety have become more refined as they become more prolific.This has given rise to a varied and sometimes confusing terminology since a need is felt to pigeon-hole anxiety with neat labels.
In what way does Agoraphobia differ from a Generalized Anxiety Disorder and why is that difference important ? Does panic disorder have any relationship to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and are there any convergences in the way they are managed ? Are Phobias and OCDs vastly different or do they share a common miasmatic background ?
Let us learn all this and more from in this homeopathic webinar by Dr. Kumar Dhawale.
Learning objectives:
- Perceive anxiety in clinical work
- Classification of anxiety and its relevant to a homoeopath
- Essentials of Case taking and the precautions while dealing with an anxious patient
- Establish causation and its importance for a homoeopath
- Expressions of anxiety in the clinical set up and their miasmatic correlations
- Principles of Case analysis and totality formation in patients with anxiety
- Perceive the Materia Medica pictures of remedies commonly indicated in Anxiety disorders
- Manage Anxiety with homeopathy and the role of ancillary measures
About Speaker

- DR. KUMAR M. DHAWALE is a Psychiatrist by training and a Homoeopath by choice.
- He is a 3rd generation of M.D Medicine practicing pure homeopathy since 35 years.
- He has been a Founder-Trustee of the Dr. M. L. Dhawale Memorial Trust which has established Homoeopathic Hospitals and clinical centres in India
- The MLD Trust has undertaken 5 Extra Mural Research projects supported by the Ministry of AYUSH. Dr.Dhawale has been a PI in two of them. His research interest is children with academic difficulties.
- Four Departments of its Rural Homoeopathic Hospital are recognized as Centres of Excellence in Homoeopathy by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India.
- Department of Neuropsychiatry has set up a unique Compassion Ward to house patients with serious psychiatric conditions and manage them with Homoeopathic treatment.
- He was Prof and Head, Department of Homoeopathic Psychiatry and a member of the PG Board of Studies of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik for 9 years.
- Dr. Kumar has been associated with the Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), Chairman of the Clinical Research sub-committee, a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee and a Consultant to projects on Mental Health conducted by the CCRH.
- Dr.Dhawale has successfully presented academic and research work of the Trust nationally and internationally in conferences and seminars.

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