Acute Case taking – Part II

- Online webinar, 2 hours of study.
- No time limit for completing your course.
- Evaluation test.
- Certificate of attendance
How many times have you experienced the "unexpected remedy reaction" after prescribing a remedy in an acute case? Does it leave you with disappointment when homeopathy can't help the patient in such cases? What should you when there is an aggravation or status quo?
With several cases, Dr. Dilip Nandha will guide you through the process of assessing acute cases. He will show you the wonderful strength of homeopathic medicine in relieving an acute ailment and build up the confidence in you as well as the patient. This first session of Acute Case-taking will be a stepping stone on the pathway of gaining confidence in treating acute cases.
Dr. Dilip says, " it very important for homeopathic physician to take the correct history and prescribe the medicines in acute conditions. If correct medicine is selected, relieve is much faster than any other system of medicine."
He gives importance to the guide book "Organon of Medicine" by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and his classification of disease in order to evaluate acute cases. With every case presentation, Dr. Dilip will investigate the logic for the classification of acute disease, diagnosis, repertorisation and the final selection of the medicine.
Topics covered:
- Concept of acute and chronic disease
- Concept of case taking in acute disease
- Method of acute case study
- Case-taking and recording in acute case
- Analysis and Evaluation of symptoms
- Cases for discussion
- Conceptual learning
Learning Objectives:
- Developing confidence in treating acute cases with homeopathy
- Application of principles mentioned in Organon in real cases
- Deepen the understanding of action of homeopathic remedies
- Acknowledge the clinical importance of diagnosis
- Understand how to analyse and evaluate the case for repertorisation
About Speaker

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