Acute Prescription Session 4: Upper Respiratory Nasal Conditions

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There are several remedies for Upper respiratory nasal conditions like Arum Triphyllum, Alium Cepa, Iodum, Sabadilla, Allium, Ambrosia and many more. The dilemma is when to prescribe which remedy. There are differentiating symptoms for each of them.

In Arum Triphyllum there is marked acridity which causes boring of nose and the discharge corrodes the part it touches to. Blocking of nose with profuse and acrid discharge is characteristic. Boring of nose is similar to Cina, but Cina is associated with worms and is marked in children

Alium cepa is similar to Arum Triphyllum but in Alium cepa there is excessive sneezing and in Arum profuse discharge from blocked nostril. In Arum Triphyllum along with coryza, and rhinitis, there is hoarseness of voice, laryngitis, thin watery, acrid discharge, exertion while talking, voice is suddenly low pitched and suddenly high. Peculiarity in Allium cepa is that there is a lot of sneezing whereas there is no sneezing in Arum andalong with coryza, throat irritation, dry cough with rawness of throat (Arum-hoarseness).

Even Iodum have symptoms similar to Allium, like rawness, dryness of throat, acrid discharge but Iodum is hot, strong tubercular-syphilitic miasm.

Allium Cepa has gastric symptoms of Allium Cepa. They cannot digest cucumber, it causes severe stomach ache, Craving for onions, but can’t eat cucumber. Even Nat. sulph cannot tolerate cucumber, juicy things, but it is because of hydrogenoid constitution, and cause respiratory symptoms more than gastric.

Sabadilla & Allium are aggravated in spring,  but in Sabadilla, acridity is not marked, but more of irritation of nose followed by sneezing. In Sabadilla, there is fear of cancer.

Sneezing, coryza, and involuntary passage of urine are there in Squilla. Even Causticum, Pulsatilla have this symptom, but Pulsatilla has thick bland discharge, whereas in Squilla, there is thin, watery discharge, and Causticum, there is hardly discharge, soreness, more than sneezing there is coughing.

In Sabadilla, morning sneezing along with coryza, but is Amm Carb sneezing begins first in the morning, but coryza after cold water touches the face.

Ars Iod works very well for allergy to pollution and if patient stuck up in traffic for long hours and exposed to pollution. Ambrosia isexcellent remedy for rhinitis, but here more than nose, eye symptoms are present, like redness and itching of eyes.

Wyethia Comes close to Arum, but there is no itching of soft palate in Arum and discharge is less acrid than Arum. Patient Tries to scratch the soft palate with tongue.

Not only this but there is lot more to know. Don’t you have to read several Matria Medica for this? OR you can do this only after several years of practice. Right? Isn’t it very easy to differentiate between the remedies?

This is a session by none other than Dr. Nimesh Shukla on Upper respiratory nasal conditions.

Dr. Nimesh Shukla will talk on various symptoms of Upper respiratory nasal conditions and various remedies for their treatment.

Dr. Shukla will talk about the similarities and differences in the remedies. He will explain when the patient covers the nose and when s/he has gastric complaints and the timing of sneezing and relief after sneezing in accordance with the specific remedy.



India & Asia: Saturday, 6th November 2021, 7:00 am IST.  Repeat Session: 2:00 pm IST

US & Canada: Friday, 5th November 2021, 9:30 pm EST. Repeat Session: Saturday, 6th November, 4:30 am EST

Europe: Saturday, 6th November 2021, 10:30 am CET

UK: Saturday, 6th, November 2021, 9:30am London Time

Duration - 1 Hours 30 minutes of study (Online webinar)
Recording will be available post the session.


Topics Covered

  • Variety of symptoms of Upper respiratory nasal conditions
  • Various remedies for the treatment of the condition


Learning Objectives

  • Learn the peculiar symptoms of various remedies
  • Understand the similarities and differences between the remedies


About Speaker

Professor and HOD of Medicine Department
Most Recent Reviews
from Mehmet Cigerli
Jan-15-2022 12:34:05 PM
Excellent seminar .
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from Ann Brabant
Nov-10-2021 01:48:28 PM
very good
from Anna Chibisova
Nov-06-2021 03:22:01 PM
Very Practical! Thank you!
from Dr.Sureka Eswari
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from Gayathri Shankar
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